You can use Anexia Engine to provide cloud services for multiple departments or subsidiaries, with custom interfaces and additional features.
Provide centralized cloud services for corporate users, all on one platform.
You can use Anexia Engine to provide cloud services for multiple departments or subsidiaries, with custom interfaces and additional features.
Support your colleagues by logging into their account. Single-click access enables you to see from their point of you, helping resolve any technical issues they may encounter.
Never miss an action your user takes in his or her account by enabling detailed auditing protocols.
Manage your departments and subsidiaries within your company group by adding new users and assigning available resources. Anexia Engine’s simple user management allows you to add new users in seconds while configuring additional functionality such as cost centers, payments and more.
With pricing templates, it’s possible to separately set up and bill every department and subsidiary. This ensures correct billing for all services.
Reduce your Shadow IT with simple domain orders, secure data space for sharing information, and Hosted Exchange, which is fully integrated in your company. Get an overview of all services which you are able to offer.
Anexia offers extremely competitive pricing for enterprise clients. Contact our sales team for further details.
New users will receive a full step-by-step introduction to your platform as they check through your terms and conditions.
Use Anexia’s platform on your own datacenter, enabling you to meet internal compliance standards as needed.